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Centre of Information Systems Design Technologies

The Centre (official abbreviation: CISDT) was established after the restructuring involving the Department of Information Systems and the Laboratory of Information Systems Research and Databases Design of the Faculty of Informatics of Kaunas University of Technology (KTU). The Centre is building on the information systems research tradition established in the seventies at the Laboratory of Automated Management Systems that was later restructured to become the Department of Information Systems of KTU.

Operational aims of the centre are:

  • To carry out and to coordinate interdisciplinary fundamental and applied research in the fields of Informatics Engineering (research area of Technological Sciences) and Informatics (research area of Physical Sciences) covering methods, technologies, and design solutions for databases and the development of information systems.
  • To carry out experimental development activities involving development and analysis of information systems and databases as well as their design tools.
  • To participate in the process of preparation of researchers and specialists of Informatics and Informatics Engineering.


prof. dr. Rimantas Butleris
K. Baršausko  st. 59, Kaunas

Research projects

European Structural Funds projects

Integration of Business Processes and Business Rules on the Base of Business Semantics (VEPSEM). 3rd priority of theHuman Resource Development Operational Programme „Strengthening Researchers’ Capacity“, implementation measure „Promoting international research excellence“, project No. VP1-3.1-ŠMM-10-V. The main goal of the project is to integrate OMG standards BPMN, SBVR and UML into one visual modeling approach. It also aims to strengthen the potential of research and innovation technologies by creating an integrated business process, operating rules and data modeling technology for operational experts, system analysts and program developers, based on the Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules (SBVR )) formalization. Project duration: 2013-01-17 – 2015-04-30.
Syntactic and Semantic Analysis and Search System for Lithuanian Internet, Corpus and Public Sector Applications in Lithuanian Language (SEMANTIKA-LT). 3rd priority „Information society for all“, implementation measure „Lithuanian language in information society“, project No. VP2-3.1-IVPK-12-K. The goal of the project is to facilitate the use of Lithuanian written language in the cyber space in indivdual’s professional and personal activities, to accumulate and protect Lithuanian written language and cultural resources, and to take advantage of the latest Internet IT solutions, thereby creating interactive electronic Lithuanian language and semantic services and resources, as well as the information system that protects them. Project duration: 2012-05-09 – 2015-04-30.
Thematic Network for Innovation in Language and Semantic Business Modelling Technologies (INOTEMA). Financed under the Program of Economy Growth Actions 1st priority,,Scientific research and technological development for improving competitiveness of economy and economic growth“ measure ,,INOGEB LT-1“ ( Partner – PE Kaunas High-Tech and Information Technology Park. The aim of the project is to create a thematic network for knowledge of innovations in language technologies in order to increase the validity of innovative solutions. It will improve the application of the language, semantics, and business simulation technologies. The network will serve the inventory, systematization, efficient search, analysis and dissemination of innovation knowledge. Project duration: 2009-10-01 – 2013-03-19.
Consulting and Notification Services for Kids and Youth in Public Electronic Environment (JAVAKIS). Priority “Information Society for All” of the Operational Program for Economic Growth” implementation measure „Intelligent electronic services“ project No. VP2-3.1-IVPK-14-K-01-006. The goal of the project is to introduce innovative and advanced electronic solutions in order to improve tools and services for the social well-being of children and young people. Project „Consulting and Notification Services for Kids and Youth in Public Electronic Environment“ is aimed at improving the quality of consulting and information public services provided to children and young people by improving existing ones and introducing new services in electronic space. Project duration: 2012-09-13 – 2015-06-30.


Rimantas Butleris
Prof. dr. Rimantas Butleris

Director, Professor at Department of Information Systems

K. Baršausko g. 59, Kaunas


Name/ Surname Position Address E-mail
Rimantas Butleris Director K. Baršausko st. 59

Doctoral students
