Department of Software Engineering

Each year the department is involved in public educational activities:

  • organising contests for children;
  • preparation of demonstration stands and display of students‘ works in various events and exhibitions (“Study Fair”, “Researchers’ Night”, “Spaceship Earth”, “Technorama”, etc.), related articles in the internet portals, journals;
  • open training for school-children “Lessons of Programming”;
  • cooperation with regional schools in the framework of the competitions organised by Faculty of Informatics, visiting schools with exhibits.

Bachelor degree study programme

Software SystemsThe programme aims at preparation of  highly qualified specialists of software systems, who comply with the needs of Lithuanian economy and global export, are able to analyse, create, install and test software products, work as software systems project managers and software maintenance specialists.

Master degree study programmes

Software Engineering. The graduates from this Master’s degree study programme have overall fundamental knowledge of software engineering, are able of systematic analysis and evaluation of computerised environment, creation and installation of software, independent performance of applied research in the field of computers, assimilate modern automated software design and management tools, have the skills of practical design and are ready for the professional activity of software engineering.

Information Technologies of Distance Education. The programme aims at preparation of Master degree graduates in information technologies: having comprehensive knowledge and skills, related to designing, implementation and application of information technologies for learning in virtual and distance studies, using contemporary teaching and learning theories and content, able to develop electronic means and content for teaching and learning, organise and provide distance studies of good quality, ensuring lifelong learning possibilities. This programme is designed not only for the specialists of informatics or informatics engineering, but also for the specialists, who have higher education in other areas.

Fields of research

  1. Development and research of testing methods for digital schemes. Analysed coherent synchronous scheme can be transformed into combination scheme, using a model of iterative logic array. A few failure models were offered for inspection of failure of switching delay at the structural level of scheme. Testing of coherent schemes without dissemination chain was analysed. Technique for making of tests for such schemes was offered. The impact of selection of test kits on the results was analysed.
  2. Development and research of human brain-computer interface methods. Human brain-computer interface requires complicated algorithms for processing of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, noise removal, feature extraction and classification. Use of non-linear operators, such as Taeger-Kaiser energy operator (TKEO) and several varieties, was offered for processing of EEG signals. Effectiveness of these operators is assessed using support vector method with a linear function for classification. Discrete cosine transform allows concentration of EEG energy in a few of the first transformation coefficients. This method is used as a step of feature extraction, it allows a significant reduction of the volume of data without the loss of relevant information.
  3. Development and research of testing methods for software systems. Generation of functional (unit) tests in hardware languages using formal methods from (according to) models. Development of tools for static analysis, compilation, analysis and application of symbolic analysis method, “Satisfiability modulus” (SMT) theory. Development and research of automated methods for testing and generation of test cases, based on static code analysis and composite dynamic symbolic performance. Theoretical research of the offered method for testing of distributed systems was performed. Analysis of the kind of mistakes such method is able to detect was performed.
  4. Development and research of technologies and methods for virtual learning. Methods of competition-based social learning were analysed. Characteristics of provision of modules of information technologies were analysed.
  5. Analysis of variability of the systems and their components in the subject area, feature-based modelling and research of automated development methods. Modelling methods are analysed in the context of meta-designing paradigm. Development of generic component models (meta-models, field’s anthologies) was analysed. Variability was analysed in the context of product line methodology. Possibilities of application of generative methods in learning were analysed.


Zita Janulytė

Studentų st. 50, Kaunas


Department staff

Dr. Mikas Binkis

Head of Department

Studentų g. 50, Kaunas


Name / Surname Position Address E-mail
Eduardas Bareiša Professor Studentų st. 50
Robertas Damaševičius Professor K. Baršausko st. 59
Vacius Jusas Professor Studentų st. 50
Kęstutis Motiejūnas Professor Studentų st. 50

Associate professors

Name / Surname Position Address E-mail
Tomas Blažauskas Assoc. prof. Studentų st. 50
Sigitas Drąsutis Assoc. prof. Studentų st. 50
Eimutis Karčiauskas Assoc. prof. Studentų st. 50
Romas Marcinkevičius Assoc. prof. Studentų st. 50
Lina Narbutaitė Assoc. prof. Studentų st. 50
Šarūnas Packevičius Assoc. prof. K. Baršausko st. 59
Giedrius Ziberkas Assoc. prof. Studentų st. 50


Name / Surname Position Address E-mail
Dominykas Barisas Lecturer Studentų st. 50
Mikas Binkis Lecturer Studentų st. 50
Aurelijus Budnikas Lecturer Studentų st. 50
Tatjana Dulinskienė Lecturer Studentų st. 67
Evaldas Guogis Lecturer K. Baršausko st. 59
Vitalija Jakštienė Lecturer Studentų st. 50
Mindaugas Jančiukas Lecturer K. Baršausko st. 59
Vitalija Keršienė Lecturer Studentų st. 50
Ramūnas Kubiliūnas Lecturer Studentų st. 67
Virginija Limanauskienė Lecturer Studentų st. 50
Rima Sturienė Lecturer Studentų st. 67
Andrej Ušaniov Lecturer Studentų st. 50
Kęstutis Valinčius Lecturer K. Baršausko st. 59
Mindaugas Vasiljevas Lecturer Studentų st. 50


Name / Surname Position Address E-mail
Tautvydas Fyleris Assistant K. Baršausko st. 59
Mantas Lukoševičius Research fellow Studentų st. 50
Neringa Kelpšaitė Academic assistant Studentų st. 67
Andrius Paulaukas Academic assistant Studentų st. 50

Doctoral students