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Erasmus+ InfoPoint: internship opportunities


Take your chance – join Erasmus+ program and have a life-changing opportunity for unforgettable experience, self improvement and internship full of adventures!
Participate in the information seminar ‘Erasmus+ InfoPoint: Internship Opportunities’ and receive necessary information about Erasmus+ program, meet students that already have taken this life-changing opportunity, hear exciting stories about their experiences and don‘t be afraid to take this chance!
Event will take place at the first floor lobby of Studentų st. 50, from 11.30 to 1.30 p.m.
Here you will make useful social contacts, have interesting conversations, useful knowledge, experience and information sharing, as well as warm tea with delicious cookies!

International Traineeship is a huge step to your successful career, don’t miss the opportunity!

November 24 d., 2016 09:30 - 11:30

The Faculty of Informatics (Studentu str. 50)

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