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Extensions of sequence alignment techniques for applications in contexts different from bioinformatics


Seminar will be held on Monday (12th of October) 5 pm and take place at Kaunas university of Technology (Student street 50-337).

Giorgio Terracina is Associate Professor in Informatics (INF/01) at University of Calabria since 2009 and is a researcher in computer science since 1999.  Since 2003 he regularly teaches subjects on Computer Programming, Algorithms and Data Structures and on Data Warehouses within the Bachelor and Master degrees in Computer Science at the University of Calabria.


Sequence alignment techniques have been widely studied and applied mainly in bioinformatics, where pairs of sequences (dna bases, aminoacid, etc.) must be compared. These techniques assume that one-to-one correspondences between the symbols of the two sequences are implicitly determined simply by identity. In this seminar we consider the application of alignment techniques to more heterogeneous contexts, where this assumption does not hold. We introduce the concept of “blind” alignment, in which finding the best mapping between symbols becomes part of the alignment problem. Several applications to wireless sensors networks and biomedical imaging are presented. 

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October 12 d., 2015 14:00

KTU X rūmai (Studentų g. 48A-337 aud.)

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