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Language Networks: A multilayered perspective


Public lecture will be held on Thuesday (11th of October) 1 pm and take place at Kaunas university of Technology (Student street 50-512).


Written, as well as spoken language can be modelled via complex networks where the lingual units (words) are represented by nodes and their linguistic interactions by links. Such representations enable language analysis through varying linguistic units. So far there have been efforts to model isolated phenomena of various language subsystems and examine their unique function through complex networks, although failing to explain the mechanism of their mutual interactions. Obtaining such findings may be critical for deepening our understanding of conceptual universalities in natural languages, especially in shedding light on the cognitive representation of a language.


Sanda Martinčić-Ipšić obtained her B.Sc. degree in Computer Science in 1994 from the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics, and her M.Sc. degree in informatics from the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economy in 1999. In 2007 she obtained a Ph.D degree in Computer Science from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing. Dr. Martinčić-Ipšić currently works as an associate professor of Computer Science at the University of Rijeka, Department of Informatics.

Her research interests include speech and language technologies, natural language processing, complex networks, automatic speech recognition, speech synthesis, corpora development, with a special focus on the Croatian language. She has published more than 60 scientific papers and books.

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October 11 d., 2016 10:00 - 11:00

KTU Informatikos fakultetas (Studentų g. 50) 512 auditorija

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