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The projects and and scientific research that are carried out at the Faculty of Informatics are devoted to the possibilities of applying information technology in various activities and sectors. The Faculty is the only in Lithuania belonging to the Informatics Europe association, which unites the strongest informatics scientists, researchers and academic staff. The Association now has 115 members from all over Europe.

Research topics

Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. E. Kazanavičius  

The fast growth of IoT has high potential in many applications that impact personal lives, workplace productivity, and consumption. New IoT applications face a variety of unsolved security, design, and deployment challenges. The development of new methods, algorithms, and technologies is required.  

Researchers work on smart environments and the Internet of Things and Services. Innovations created are based on an open architecture model, which allows integration of various third-party services, thus creating new business models for potential providers of services. The following topics are planned to cover: real- time systems, AI-based automation for IoT enabled smart environments, secure and scalable IoT-based solutions (for smart healthcare, cities, logistics, mobility, etc.), IoT protocols and standards.

Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. A. Venčkauskas 

Cybersecurity is critical to European economies, functioning of the democracy, and European values. Malicious cyber activities, in particular disinformation campaigns, fake news, and cyber operations targeted at critical infrastructure, varying in scope, scale, duration, intensity, complexity, sophistication, and impact, are becoming increasingly common and demand a mobilization of the full range of respective tools and instruments, and joint response.  

Researchers analyze and developed various cybersecurity methods, covering the areas of security of computer networks and cyber-physical systems, situational awareness of cybersecurity and visualization, fog computing security, orchestration of fog computing services, and computer forensics.

Principal investigators: Prof. Dr. R. Butleris 

The main goal is the facilitation of the growth of the quality of the surrounding information systems through the improvement of systems engineering approaches and information management capabilities.  

Researchers develop solutions that involve business intelligence, machine learning, distributed ledger architectures and smart contracts, ontologies, natural language processing, semantic technologies, modelling of business processes, specialized CASE tools, and model-driven development paradigm- based solutions. The group focusses on research and development of solutions to such problems as seamless integration between deliverables of analysis, requirements specification and systems design as well as automated understanding and utilization of vast amounts of heterogeneous data and information, using methods based on semantic analysis, knowledge modelling and AI.

Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. T. Blažauskas 

Reserchers’ aim is to find new approaches to education, health, rehabilitation, and other areas by exploiting the advances in the fields of mixed reality, human body tracking, haptics and AI.  

Research and solutions already developed are related to virtual reality technologies, which we apply to disease diagnostics, rehabilitation and training. Researchers are focusing on human body tracking for sports and rehabilitation using VR technologies, and immersive technologies for education.  

Principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. D. Gudonienė 

There is a gap in intelligent supportive technologies in the market of the education sector.  

The topic is smart content production, covering such areas as: (1) Digital lessons, (2) Information visualization, (3) Learning content design, (4) Chabot’s based support systems.  

Principal investigators: Prof. Dr. R. Maskeliūnas, Prof. Dr. R. Damaševičius 

The application of computer vision in healthcare can help to improve diagnostics, earlier detection of health issues, and better treatment plans. In bio signal analysis, AI algorithms can be trained to recognize patterns in signals that indicate disorders or other health issues.  

The expertise in computer vision and signal processing gained by our researchers solving tasks like recognition of Alzheimer’s disease, screening Parkinson’s disease, tumour/cancer detection and classification, and human posture detection makes solid background for further research. We aim to improve the feature extraction and analysis techniques to achieve better performance of the models and extend their applicability.  

Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. A. Paulauskaitė –Tarasevičienė 

As the use of AI systems in various domains can have significant impacts on people’s lives, it is crucial to ensure that these systems are aligned with ethical principles and human rights standards. The transparency and explainability of AI systems play a critical role in this regard. Research background and topics.  

The experience of researchers is gained in different AI approaches (from expert systems to deep learning architectures), data analysis, and XAI methods including local and global explanation models applied in the following sectors: health, manufacturing, cybersecurity and agriculture. The development of XAI algorithms is a key area of research that seeks to address the challenges posed by black-box AI solutions. It covers the topics of robust model interpretation algorithms for visualizing and interpreting the inner workings of AI model; bias detection and mitigation techniques; adversarial attacks and adversarial robustness.

Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. R. Barauskas 

AI models are known for their ability to identify patterns. This feature enables AI-based models to solve problems that cannot be described by physical equations due to their complexity.  

Direct application of such models to simulate physical behavior usually lacks physical consistency and poorly generalizes in out-of-sample cases. The combination of AI and computational mechanics allows us to employ physical equations and data-driven knowledge to simulate the processes of dynamic systems in acceptable resolution while ensuring physical consistency. 

Principal Investigators: Prof. Dr. G. Palubeckis. 

One of the most significant parts of computer science and computational intelligence is heuristic and metaheuristic optimization algorithms. Optimization is everywhere – its methods constitute a field of research capable of providing one of the greatest economic benefits.  

Currently, there exist a number of algorithms for solving combinatorial optimization problems arising in real-world applications, but there is a need for new metaheuristic algorithms with increased performance and quality measures. Nature-inspired heuristic algorithms are simple, yet effective and can deal with complex, multimodal, high dimensional objective functions, can be hybridized with other types of optimization algorithms and can save computational and energy resources.  

The capabilities of algorithms are enhanced by the synergy with other computational intelligence techniques and other research directions, such as manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, healthcare, etc. 

Research groups

Research Group Department Head of the Research Group
Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing Methods in Multimedia Department of Multimedia Engineering assoc. prof. dr. Armantas Ostreika
Cyber Security Department of Computer Sciences prof. dr. Algimantas Venčkauskas
Internet of Things and Services Department of Computer Sciences prof. dr. Egidijus Kazanavičius
Multidisciplinary Models Department of Applied Informatics prof. dr. Rimantas Barauskas
Multimodal Human-Computer Interactions Department of Software Engineering prof. dr. Tomas Blažauskas
Semantics and Knowledge-Based Engineering of Information Systems Department of Information Systems prof. dr. Rimantas Butleris
Smart Educational Technologies and Their Application Department of Multimedia Engineering assoc. prof. dr. Daina Gudonienė
Systems Design and Testing Department of Software Engineering prof. dr. Eduardas Bareiša
Other Researchers in Informatics

Research at Divisions

Scientific achievements and impact

Research priorities

Faculty of Informatics focuses on the various research areas related with modern computer science and engineering, as well as computational science, including scientific computation based on multidisciplinary mathematical models, optimization and artificial intelligence. Simultaneously, focus is held on fundamental research in the field of related mathematical methods. The Faculty of Informatics is following the institutional priorities of Digital transformation, Industry transformation, Smart cities and resilient communities. Additionally, we adhere to the national priorities of Smart specialization and to five priorities of European Commission: Green deal, Digital age, economy that works for people, a stronger Europe in the world, and promoting our European way of life.

Mokslinių grupių pristatymas (EN)

Research infrastructure and achievements

Researchers of the Faculty of Informatics use the IT infrastructure provided by KTU for their research. The software can be used at the workplace, in computer labs, in the library or by connecting to the KTU cloud services via. Researchers can also use the High Performance Computing (HPC) services provided by the KTU Artificial Intelligence Centre. 

The services provided by the researchers of the Faculty of Informatics are registered and available through the University’s Open Access Resources and Services Management and Accounting Information System (APCIS) 

Two centres provide research services at the Faculty:

Centre of Information Systems Design Technology

The Centre focuses on scientific research and technological development of informatics engineering and informatics fields, on creation of new scientific knowledge and its application in study process and promotion to the society. There are five active research laboratories at the Centre:

  • Laboratory of Semantic Technologies
  • Laboratory of Data Analysis
  • Laboratory of Requirements Engineering
  • Laboratory of Business Process Management
  • Laboratory of Information Systems Development

Centre of Information Systems Design Technology

The Centre was established by reorganising a science laboratory of Information Systems and Databases Programming at the Faculty of Informatics, Department of Information Systems. An official abbreviation for this centre is ISPTC.

The Centre provides services for applied research, experimental development and technical feasibility studies.

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Centre of Real Time Computer Systems

The Centre of Real Time Computer Systems carries out applied and fundamental research in the areas of smart environments and the Internet of things and services. Scientists and researchers of the Centre take part in international and national projects, actively collaborate with companies around the world. Together with TEO LT AB projects such as GALA and TV MOZAIKA were completed. AXMEDIS content distribution system was created in collaboration with foreign partners. The Centre collaborates with Aalborg, London City, Danish Technical, Darmstadt universities and their research centres. The Centre is also in contact with Siemens, Philips, Advantech, Analog Devices, Texas Instruments, Microsoft, Intermedix and other global companies.

Centre of Real Time Computer Systems

The staff of the Centre is actively involved in the tudy process. They are in charge and supervise various modules belonging to Informatics Engineering study programme, and the new Health Informatics programme, the aim of which is to train specialists that have public health and informatics skills, are able to design, create and install software for solving health problems.

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KTU Open Access Centre

Using technological solutions created by our scientists and researchers we help our clients solve technological problems. Partnership with business encompasses all stages of cooperation: from simple orders and first tests to joint R&D projects and other services.
Reserve equipment or order a service through KTU Open Access Centre.

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Science Projects

Faculty of Informatics

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Significant publications

KTU Faculty of Informatics publishes journal Information Technologies and Control . Since 2007, the journal is included into the ISI Master Journal List database.


Vice-Dean for Research
Dr. Daina Gudonienė
Studentų st. 50
