Support to research organisations to implement Gender Equality Plans

Important | 2016-01-25

The European Research Centre for Information Systems (ERCIS) together with the ECWT (European Centre for Women and Technology) and ViLabs intends to submit a proposal under the H2020 GERI-4 call “Support to research organisations to implement Gender Equality Plans”. 

The goal stated in the call is to boost gender equality in research by supporting Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) and Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) in order to implement systemic institutional changes, in particular through the implementation of Gender Equality Plans (GEPs). 

The proposal will address this goal by supporting ICT research institutions in designing and implementing their Gender Equality Plans, which should be focused on increasing the share of women in academic positions, ensuring gender balance in decision making, achieving a better gender balance on study programmes etc. 

For the development and implementation of the GEPs the below stages will be followed:

  1. Conduct an initial external assessment of each academic partner organisation to identify gender bias at an institutional level.
  2. Design and implement innovative strategies to address gender bias. These strategies may include family friendly policies, gender planning and budgeting, training programmes to improve the recruitment of women in science, inclusion of the gender dimension in research etc.). 
  3. Develop a monitoring methodology by defining specific targets and indicators at an organisational level.